Teeth Whitening
in Lakeland, Florida
Are you lacking confidence due to your discolored smile? Our doctors can help you achieve a beautifully bright smile so you can take charge of those business meetings, corporate events and social functions! Our teeth whitening treatment is safe, effective and long lasting – we will only use products that have been tested and proven for safety and efficiency to provide optimal results.
We have multiple tooth whitening options to choose from, and with each option providing superior results, we can help you reclaim your most beautiful, white smile. Call today to schedule your smile consult!

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?
Tooth Discoloration occurs for a wide range of reasons, and it is important to note that some of these reasons occur from the inside of the tooth, which is why it is important to avoid over-the-counter products. There are many factors that affect the color of the teeth, which can include:
- Age
- Consumables (such as cola or coffee)
- Tobacco
- Some medications
- Illness
Our doctors are specially trained to find the source of your tooth discoloration and recommend the appropriate treatment for enhanced results.